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Our Faculty

MTI’s faculty is comprised of remarkable rebbeim who are talmidei chachomim and Torah leaders in character and in knowledge; they are well versed and trained in chinuch and committed to the guiding educational philosophy of the yeshiva. Our rebbeim are young and vibrant, warm and approachable, and work with sincere dedication to help each student succeed. Their proficiency in the material, combined with their sense of mission in helping build tomorrow's leaders of Klal Yisroel, make them truly exceptional. Our staff strives to create a healthy balance between structure and personal space, which we believe is the key to success in the adolescent years. The understanding and acceptance they show the talmidim fosters a relationship of mutual trust and respect.

Rabbi Dovid Fromowitz

Rabbi Dovid Fromowitz

ROSH YESHIVA. DEAN 636.778.1896 x 101 rabbifromowitz@

Rabbi Avrohom Goldman

Rabbi Avrohom Goldman

ROSH YESHIVA. DEAN 636.778.1896 x 102 rabbiagoldman@

Rabbi Shmuel Wasser

Rabbi Shmuel Wasser

ROSH YESHIVA. DEAN 636.778.1896 x 103 rabbiwasser@

Rabbi Menachem Wachsman

Rabbi Menachem Wachsman

MENAHEL 636.778.1896 x 105 rabbiwachsman@

Rabbi Shimshon Gewirtz

Rabbi Shimshon Gewirtz

GENERAL STUDIES PRINCIPAL 636.778.1896 x 106 rabbigewirtz@

Rabbi Shraga Zachai

Rabbi Shraga Zachai

MASHGIACH/REBBE 636.778.1896 x 109 rabbizachai@

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Biron

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Biron

REBBE rabbibiron@

Rabbi Label Friedman

Rabbi Label Friedman


Rabbi Efraim Fromowitz

Rabbi Efraim Fromowitz

REBBE rabbiefromowitz@

Rabbi Dovid Lintz

Rabbi Dovid Lintz

REBBE rabbilintz@

Rabbi Gidon Nitsun

Rabbi Gidon Nitsun


Rabbi Gershon Rockove

Rabbi Gershon Rockove

REBBE rabbirockove@

Rabbi Mendy Rosner

Rabbi Mendy Rosner

REBBE rabbirosner@

Rabbi Yaakov Stein

Rabbi Yaakov Stein


Mr. Wayne Dugge

Mr. Wayne Dugge

SCIENCE wdugge@

Mr. Andrew Ganey

Mr. Andrew Ganey

ENGLISH aganey@

Mr. David Jennings

Mr. David Jennings

ENGLISH djennings@

Mr. Carl Meyers

Mr. Carl Meyers

HISTORY cmeyers@

Dr. O.T. Olabanji

Dr. O.T. Olabanji

MATHEMATICS oolabanji@

Mr. Robert Richmann

Mr. Robert Richmann

SCIENCE rrichmann@

Mr. Manu Srinivasan

Mr. Manu Srinivasan


Mrs. Eeta Bermanski | Media & CommunicationsPh: 636-778-1896 x 114 | 
Rabbi Josh Bregman | Director of DevelopmentPh: 636-778-1896 x 108 | 
Mrs. Gay Lee Freedman | Director of Special Projects & Student Care | Ph: 636-778-1896 x 107 |
Mrs. Ditza Friedman | Business Office Manager | Ph: 636-778-1896 x 110 |

Mr. Alex Gerberding | Campus AdministratorPh: 636-778-1896 x 111 |
Mrs. Rochel Miller | 
Educational SecretaryPh: 636-778-1896 x104 |
Mrs. Angela Tannenbaum | ReceptionistPh: 636-778-1896 x 100 |

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